Las fincas orgánicas familiares, tienen como fin promover una cultura de desarrollo sostenible en armonía con el ambiente; en las opciones que recomendamos están;
Family organic farms, are designed to promote a culture of sustainable development in harmony with the environment, and the choices we recommend are;
Especialistas en permacultura gran variedad de plantas medicinales y arboles frutales, cursos de permacultura y escuela de educación ambiental.
Permaculture specialists variety of medicinal plants and fruit trees, permaculture courses and school environmental education.
Refugio Gandoca-Manzanillo(Punta Mona área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Recuperamos la cultura de nuestros antepasados a travès de la producciòn agrìcola integral asegurando el autoconsumo y ofreciendo productos sanos y de buena calidad, libre de químicos a través de la practica y promoción de la agricultura tradicional orgánica y biointensiva, el consumo y la conservación eh intercambio de semillas
We rediscover the culture of our ancestors through ensuring comprehensive agricultural production, consumption and offering health products, good quality, chemical-free through the practice and promotion of bio-intensive organic and traditional agriculture, consumption and conservation to exchange seed
Reserva indigena(Volio área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Las familias indígenas de Talamanca luchan por mantener sus tradiciones, tanto su lengua, alimentación y estilo de vida. En este tour usted conocerá la tradicional finca indigena, sus variedad de plantas medicinales, arboles frutales, su estilo de vida el pensamiento de los pobladores que descubrira a travez de charlas y caminatas guidas por los senderos de la reserva indígena.
Talamanca Indigenous families struggling to maintain their traditions, both their language, food and lifestyle. On this tour you will learn the traditional Indian farm, its variety of medicinal plants, fruit trees, your lifestyle thinking of the people who will discover travez Guided talks and walks along the trails of the Indian reservation.
Reserva Indígena(Watzi área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Guía especializado
Specialized guide
(Pueden degustar un delicioso almuerzo tradicional en su visita a la finca, favor avisar al reservar el tour y tiene un costo adicional de $10 x persona)
(They can enjoy a delicious traditional lunch during his visit to the farm, please advise when booking the tour and has an additional cost of $ 10 x person)
Family organic farms, are designed to promote a culture of sustainable development in harmony with the environment, and the choices we recommend are;
Punta Mona
Especialistas en permacultura gran variedad de plantas medicinales y arboles frutales, cursos de permacultura y escuela de educación ambiental.
Permaculture specialists variety of medicinal plants and fruit trees, permaculture courses and school environmental education.
Refugio Gandoca-Manzanillo(Punta Mona área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Finca Loroco

We rediscover the culture of our ancestors through ensuring comprehensive agricultural production, consumption and offering health products, good quality, chemical-free through the practice and promotion of bio-intensive organic and traditional agriculture, consumption and conservation to exchange seed
Reserva indigena(Volio área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Vive y Deja Vivir
Finca tradicional campesina, conocer el proceso de siembra, recolección y preparación de alimentos totalmente orgánicos. La experiencia es única e inigualable, ya que podemos de principio a fin demostrar todo el proceso en la administración de una verdadera huerta orgánica, el cultivo de plantas medicinales y la conservación.
Traditional peasant farm, learn about the process of planting, harvesting and cooking organic. The experience is unique and unmatched, and we can show from start to finish the whole process in the administration of a true organic garden, cultivation of medicinal plants and conservation.
San Miguel (Gandoca área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Tradicional Indígena

Talamanca Indigenous families struggling to maintain their traditions, both their language, food and lifestyle. On this tour you will learn the traditional Indian farm, its variety of medicinal plants, fruit trees, your lifestyle thinking of the people who will discover travez Guided talks and walks along the trails of the Indian reservation.
Reserva Indígena(Watzi área)
Duración/Duration: 4 hrs
salida/departure: 8 am
Guía especializado
Specialized guide
(Pueden degustar un delicioso almuerzo tradicional en su visita a la finca, favor avisar al reservar el tour y tiene un costo adicional de $10 x persona)
(They can enjoy a delicious traditional lunch during his visit to the farm, please advise when booking the tour and has an additional cost of $ 10 x person)